We all
gathered at the shop just before 9:00AM and had coffee
and doughnuts as we waited for the machines to be calibrated.
We had a
colorful mix with engines from 4 cylinders to screaming V-8's.
Time for a shameless plug for
our sponsor, Paul Seeberg of BAMGC.
I'll start
with me first, since I know which pictures are mine and
what the results of my tests were. This is the beginning,
where the
car is connected electronically and tied down via harness to
anchors after being driven on to the rollers of the dynamometer.
This is a
classic! Anyone smell something burning? What dummy
his emergency brake pulled part way on? I dunno, not me!
All hooked
up and warmed up, so John tells me how he wants to bring
the car up to speed before each pull test. Probably even
more importantly,
John tells me what NOT to do before, during and after the runs.
This is not
what I wanted to see nearing red-line. From 2,800 RPM &
at full throttle, my air fuel ratio is out of whack.
Several runs show this to
be consistently true, but this is not a big issue. John
will give me an appointment
to do the tuning right on the dyno, so it will be tweaked as
good as it can be. The
good news is that I did get it to 110MPH at 5,600 RPM before we
shut down.
Here is my buddy Charlie's
not so stock TR8.
Charlie is getting ready to
do a lot of detailing to the car this fall.
His car was a "steal" and it will flat run like a scared rabbitt!
Somehow, along the way, the
TR8 did not like Mr. Sears timing light.
Let's just say that when they met, there were literally sparks
We even had a visit from the Lucas Smoke God on this one.
Nice mixture here at 67 MPH.
Charlie has a rich condition like me at higher
speeds, which will have to be tuned out.
Sweet! He peaked out at
250HP with 250 lbs of torque, before getting
his high end rich condition taken care of.
Thanks, John!
NE Dyno & Tuning
169 Davis Street Route 16
Douglas, MA 01516
Phone # (508) 476-7795