Driven on and off through
college and for next eleven
years sparingly, but never through any New
England winters.
Garaged throughout this
time, but many days in the
hot sun resulted in faded Mimosa paint. Exterior repaint in 1985.
Now some serious non-use
takes place from 1986 through 2003,
when leaking throttle shafts force
rebuilds and the LBC bug starts to bite again
Quick R&R of
carburetors after pushing out
of gas
fume filled garage and Fed-X shipment to TRF results
in much better running
car, but still too many competing interests.
A 2005 trip to Larz
Anderson Museum for British Car Day featuring
Triumphs puts us back on
track. LBC Bug bites hard this time.
We joined several New
England British Car Clubs, met many
great people and had very nice
time(s) with friends who had same interests.
Many mechanical changes
were and continue to be made,
some classic, some modern, some neither, but just
we want to. When possible, we stayed as original as
When performance and
reliability could be enhanced along
with our preferred aesthetic
changes, we did what we wanted to do.
Much has been accomplished
and much remains to be done, but the
object now is to drive and enjoy
it. The work can wait until it's cold again!
The rest is what follows in
the individual pages and photo gallery.